4 Common Teeth Bleaching Methods

On your next trip to the dentist ask about teeth bleaching. In addition to providing basic checkups, cavity fillings, and other treatments, most dentists have procedures that can take your yellow or brown teeth and transform them into a more attractive white. If you are considering doing something about your smile, teeth bleaching could hold the key. Join the countless other patients and experience the difference.

Dentists are happy to discuss your options and administer a treatment that makes sense. There are different ways you can bring back the appealing white teeth you used to have. Evaluate what method seems ideal to you and make the right decision. This may mean you will get help from your dentist, or it could mean you will whiten your teeth on your own.

In-office teeth bleaching

Though this option may require multiple visits to the dentist’s office, it can often be the most effective. After discussing needs and goals with the patient, the dentist will use peroxide and sometimes heat and light to help improve the teeth’s whiteness. Usually, these visits will last up to an hour. The patient may make several visits a few weeks apart. It will cost more than other methods, but people often notice significant improvements.

Take-home trays

The dentist can also be involved in a different kind of bleaching process. This option allows the person to go home with the peroxide solution to use it on their own. In this way, the dentist will take a mold of the person’s mouth and will fashion something similar to a mouth guard, often called a tray. The patient will put the peroxide on the tray and will wear it at night. After a few weeks of use, many patients begin to notice improvements in teeth color.

Whitening strips

People who are on a tighter budget and want a less expensive way to whiten teeth can choose whitening strips. These are sold over the counter in most grocery stores or drug stores. The user simply puts the strips in their teeth once or twice a day for 10 to 14 days. The cost is much less than in-office bleaching. It is convenient to wear the strips at night, but it is not necessary to limit the time to these hours.


Why not try some teeth bleaching along with brushing teeth? This is what some people ask, and many who are dissatisfied of their yellow teeth give whitening toothpaste a try. Various toothpaste brands make this product, which is designed to scrub away stains. Results are usually less significant than other methods, but the toothpaste is also cheaper than whitening strips or bleaching treatments from the dentist.


If you are like most people, you do not want to go through life feeling ashamed of your teeth. Not only do you want to avoid cavities and other potentially harmful conditions, but you would love to restore the whiteness of your teeth. These bleaching and whitening choices might be just what you have been looking for. Discuss your options with your dentist today.

Are you considering teeth bleaching in the Tucson area? Get more information at https://www.casasadobesdentistry.com.

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