Visiting a Laser Dentist For a Root Canal

Laser Dentist Tucson, AZ

With more and more laser dentists opening their own practices, there’s been some controversy over whether these types of dentists can perform procedures that other dentists can’t do, such as root canals. To provide a definitive answer to this question, we’ve provided some information for you below.

How does it work?

Dentists use lasers to perform two main types of dental procedures: cosmetic dentistry and periodontal work. The most common cosmetic procedure performed by

dentists are teeth whitening, though it’s possible for them to do veneers, tooth implants, gum grafts, and root canals as well.

Other less common dental procedures that can be performed by laser dentists include enamel etching, gum recontouring, and endodontic treatment. The latter is also known as the root canal, which involves removing all the diseased pulp from inside your tooth. This can be accomplished using traditional hand tools or via lasers.

Why do they do it that way?

The techniques dentists use to perform root canals are standardized by medical professionals. The tools used are also controlled by precise guidelines. There’s a good reason for these practices if you want to have confidence in your dentist’s work, it makes sense to stick with what other professionals are doing!

If you’re visiting a dentist who does root canals using laser equipment, it may be tempting to ask why. After all, if your procedure can be done using lasers, why not do it that way every time? The reason for sticking with traditional tools is based on science.

What is involved in a root canal procedure?

A root canal is one of dentistry’s most common procedures. In fact, there are more than 15 million performed each year in America alone. This number is growing by nearly 10% each year because of aging baby boomers and growing public awareness of tooth damage that can lead to bigger problems down the road. A root canal procedure involves accessing nerves within your tooth with a tiny drill before cleaning out dead cells and bacteria from inside your tooth.

A root canal procedure is usually performed in one sitting and typically only takes an hour or two to complete. You may need to visit your dentist or endodontist on more than one occasion, however, depending on how extensive your work needs to be. After your treatment, you can get back to enjoying pain-free eating and chewing, so long as you care for your new crown correctly.

How much does laser endodontics cost?

Like most laser dentistry, root canal therapy is more expensive than conventional methods; according to an estimate from Delta Dental of California, lasers used for endodontics will cost you an additional $200 out-of-pocket on average. That said, if your insurance covers it (many do), then there may be no extra cost to you at all. It’s worth investigating with your insurance provider to see what they cover and what you might expect as far as reimbursement goes.

In some cases, root canal therapy is considered cosmetic dentistry and therefore not covered by insurance. To avoid high out-of-pocket costs, it’s critical to talk with your dentist about whether your tooth can be saved using traditional methods before deciding on laser endodontics.

Request an appointment here: or call Casas Adobes Dentistry at (520) 365-0559 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

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