4 Reasons You Might Need Emergency Dental Care

emergency dental care Tucson, AZ

Like emergency medical care, emergency dental care is something you should seek when the most urgent needs arise. A general dentist can handle many of your dental needs. However, when your overall health is at risk, you should get to the emergency dentist without delay. There are certain situations where you should never put off getting this help. Knowing this now can be helpful for rough times later on.

Situations that lead to emergency dental care needs

Under the right circumstances, patients will only need to visit the dentist twice a year. These routine checkups help to promote good oral health. However, neglecting these appointments can lead to poor oral hygiene. As a result, the patient may develop cavities and infections. Poor brushing and flossing habits produce the same effects. Another cause for oral health emergencies is accidents and injuries to the jaw.

The general dentist is not open

Many general dentist offices have regular business hours. A Monday through Friday schedule is typical of a clinic, as are hours through the late afternoon or early evening. What happens if a patient has a serious condition on the weekend, on a holiday, or after hours? The good news is that emergency dental care is available outside of these time frames. When the dentist’s office is not open, patients can make a same-day appointment with the emergency dentist.

The pain is too much

Not all toothaches will require emergency dental care. Some pain is manageable with medication or cold compression packs. When the pain does not subside or is unbearable, it is time to get to the emergency dentist. It is also an emergency if it inhibits the person’s ability to function normally. The dentist can diagnose the source of the discomfort and provide much-needed relief quickly.

The face is swollen

Swelling is usually the effect of the body fighting an infection. This is not something that a person should ignore. An infection in the mouth could start because of tooth decay. Untreated, it could cause tooth or bone loss. The infection could work its way into other parts of the face and even throughout the entire body. With emergency dental care, the dentist can stop the problem from getting more severe.

There is tooth damage

No one wants to live without teeth. This can be painful and embarrassing. Breaking, cracking, or losing a permanent tooth requires emergency dental care. The dentist has the tools to possibly save the tooth. If the tooth is not salvageable, the dentist can protect it from further damage with a crown or replace it with an implant or dentures.

Do not delay your visit

Getting emergency dental care could be a scary prospect, but you should not ignore it. If you face one of these situations, call an emergency dentist near you right away. The dentist can get you into the office on the same day of your call and repair the damage you have suffered. If you are not sure of when it is right to seek emergency care, review these guidelines.

Request an appointment here: https://www.casasadobesdentistry.com or call Casas Adobes Dentistry at (520) 365-0559 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

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