Dental Implants are Long Lasting and Natural Looking Teeth Replacement

Dental Implants Tucson, AZ

Dental implants are a common, effective way to improve your smile. If you have lost teeth, or if a dentist had to pull some, you probably feel self-conscious or embarrassed about the gaps in your mouth. It may also be difficult to chew or even speak clearly. Fortunately, there is a solution to filling in these spaces. Implants are an excellent replacement for your missing teeth, and they even look like natural ones. Plus, you can expect them to last for many years to come.

The consequences of having missing teeth

Missing teeth can first and foremost be unsightly and hamper a person’s smile. This can affect the individual’s desire to interact with others. A person with missing teeth may avoid social settings altogether and can even struggle in relationships. However, there are health effects too.

When a tooth is missing, adjacent teeth can start to shift. Eventually, these teeth may become loose and fall out as well. Missing teeth can alter the shape of a person’s face. In addition, infection can occur in the sockets where a missing tooth used to be.

Looking like actual teeth

When a patient has a tooth-replacement treatment, they want something that will not stand out. It can be almost as embarrassing to have a clunky artificial tooth as it is to be missing the tooth in the first place. However, dental implants consist of the implant itself as well as an abutment and a crown. The crown portion can be any color, including the color that matches the surrounding teeth. Also, the crown will be natural-looking in size and shape. It will be difficult for another person to tell that it is a crown and not an actual tooth.

Durable and strong

If the patient has good jawbone growth, the dental implants should provide plenty of strength and stability for the crown. The implant is made of titanium, and it acts as the tooth root. It will give the patient good bite force and the ability to chew most foods. Furthermore, the implants should last at least 20 years, though many people can expect their implants to last a lifetime.

Factors in how long the implants last

While it is true that many patients will never have to replace dental implants, issues can affect their longevity. A person with implants should be cautious about biting into certain hard and chewy foods. The individual should also not use teeth as tools to open packages or bags. It is also important to continually adhere to good oral hygiene practices. This means the person should brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Regular dental appointments are also essential.

Dental implants can change your smile

If you have hated smiling and cannot eat many foods due to tooth loss, answers are available. Thanks to implants, you can regain the use of your mouth. Now is the right time to explore getting this treatment. You will love the natural look and durability that implants provide. Talk to your cosmetic dentist today to see if this procedure makes sense for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Casas Adobes Dentistry at (520) 365-0559 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Google: Dental Implants in Tucson, AZ.

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