Emergency Dentist

Emergency DentistTucson, AZ

People can require an emergency dentist for many reasons. When dental emergencies happen, the emergency dentist is ready to accept last-minute appointment requests to ensure that their patients never have to live through discomfort before getting dental care. An immediate call to the dentist is important, especially when you are suffering from a toothache or any major dental emergency. Unlike regular dentists, emergency dentists offer extended hours outside normal work hours to treat patients.

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    How to know if you need emergency dental care

    A visit to the emergency dentist is necessary in case of:

    • Toothache, which is a sharp or dull pain in the tooth that persists despite rinsing and flossing
    • Knocked-out tooth
    • Loose or broken braces
    • Loose tooth
    • Injuries to the gum, tongues or cheeks, with constant bleeding
    • Lost or damaged filling or crown
    • Abscess

    Causes of emergency dental visits

    According to the American Dental Association, sports are the leading cause of tooth damage in adults every year. This includes all forms of athletics and creates a need for emergency appointments. This means that even a simple basketball game in the backyard can cause damage to a tooth. This also applies to kids who participate in sports. One of the most effective ways to protect against such emergencies is to wear a mouthguard when playing.

    A car accident is another major cause of tooth injury. Although tooth enamel is strong, it may not be able to withstand the impact of a collision. Millions of accidents happen yearly and teeth often bear the brunt. Dentists recommend that patients visit the emergency center after an auto crash as soon as possible for examination and prompt treatment of any bodily injuries. Afterward, they can visit the dentist to fix damages to the teeth and restore their smiles. The emergency room does not treat tooth injuries, so patients will need to visit both medical professionals.

    Sudden and debilitating toothaches are another cause of visits to the emergency dentist. The dentist will examine the teeth and ascertain the cause of the pain. The case may be a little cavity that has enlarged and now requires a root canal. Another possibility is a periodontal disease, which causes gum recession, exposing the tooth and its root.

    Both cases require emergency treatment because they can cause severe pain. In some cases, the dentist might recommend placing a dental crown over the tooth to protect the fragile and vulnerable tooth. The primary goal is to stop discomfort and restore the patient’s smile.

    When a tooth infection is not treated for a long time, it can cause a dental abscess, which can be extremely painful. An abscess is a major tooth infection that can affect the jawbone and other supporting tissues of the tooth. When this happens, the dentist may recommend oral surgery to clear the infection. The dentist will examine the oral cavity and let them know if an abscess is present.

    Check out what others are saying about our Emergency Dentist services on Google: Emergency Dentist Tucson

    First aid treatment before seeing an emergency dentist

    When the patient visits the dental office, the dentist will identify the problem and recommend treatment options to restore oral health. They may also recommend medication to relieve the pain as healing progresses. A cold compress or ice pack can also help reduce or stop swelling.

    For a knocked-out tooth

    If a tooth gets knocked out from its socket, patients need to try and locate the tooth. It should be rinsed with warm water without scrubbing or touching the root. Store the tooth in a glass of milk, and visit the emergency dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will attempt to save the tooth by returning it to the socket. If the tooth cannot be saved, the dentist will discuss tooth replacement options, which may include dental implants, dentures or a dental bridge.

    For a broken tooth

    Tooth damage from playing sports or auto accident is a common occurrence. The tooth may crack or chip. If the tooth structure is intact, the dentist can correct the problem with cosmetic dentistry. There are multiple dental restoration options available. The most common include dental bonding, veneers and dental crowns.

    These options can restore the function of the tooth while preserving its natural appearance. The cosmetic dentist will provide information on the options available to the patient, including the best method to restore the tooth and how to achieve the patient’s aesthetic goals for their smile.

    If the tooth is infected

    Symptoms of an abscess include foul mouth odor, draining sores, facial swelling, severe pain and swollen neck glands. Without prompt treatment, an abscess could worsen into life-threatening complications. The emergency dentist will evaluate the situation and inform the patient of their condition and the best way to proceed with immediate treatment.

    Their job is to keep the patients healthy and comfortable. The dentist can remove the infection and restore the teeth and gums to good health. If it is a case of an advanced tooth cavity or a dental abscess, patients can be free of infection after treatment. One method of treatment is a laser fiber, PerioLase, that can get rid of infected tissues in the gums.

    When to visit the emergency room

    Sometimes, dental conditions coincide with serious medical issues that could threaten overall health or even life. In such cases, patients need more advanced care than what an emergency dentist can provide. In the event of extreme facial or jaw swelling, uncontrollable bleeding or excess blood loss or a high-impact injury to the jaw, head or face, patients need to visit the nearest emergency room or call 911 for quick medical help.

    Final note

    Accidents can happen at any time of the day or night. Some oral injuries demand prompt treatment, while others can wait until the dentist’s regular business hours. This is what makes it a good idea to find an emergency dentist near you even if you are not currently having a dental emergency. Already knowing who you can call when you do have an emergency can save you time and stress. If you have a damaged tooth or are in severe pain, contact the emergency dentist immediately to get the issue resolved as soon as possible.

    Contact Us

    Casas Adobes Dentistry is located at 7520 N. Oracle Rd. Suite 200 Tucson, AZ 85704.

    (520) 365-0559