
Casas Adobes Dentistry Services Offered

  • Preventative Care

    Protecting your smile is a top priority, which is why providing all of our patients with a comprehensive checkup and cleaning is important on a routine basis. We can offer preventive strategies tailored to your lifestyle while using the latest technology and research to help reduce your chances of developing tooth or gum problems.

    Routine care gives us the opportunity to provide conservative treatment options if disease is diagnosed in the early stages, which can reduce uncomfortable symptoms and costly treatments. Overall health can improve when your oral health is at its best. Since many health conditions have oral symptoms, we can help you achieve the best version of you by keeping these important preventive visits.

    Other Preventive Treatments Available:

    • Dental Sealants
    • Targeted Fluoride Therapy
    • Silver Diamine Fluoride
    • Customized Home Care Plan
    • Routine Dental Cleaning
  • Teeth Whitening

    Did your smile used to be brighter? Professional teeth whitening is a safe and simple way to improve the beauty of your smile without the frustration of one-size-fits-all low concentration store-bought options. When you work with our team, you can achieve a teeth whitening result that works for your type of tooth discoloration. Schedule a consultation to discuss what results you may expect and which option is best for you.

    Teeth whitening:

    • Can remove stains
    • Completed in our office or at your home
    • Offers an appropriate level of whitening
    • Is safe- we can offer methods to maximize your comfort
    • Can be maintained for life

    There are two types of professional tooth whitening options:

    1. Professional In Office Whitening

    KOR whitening system allows you to achieve dramatic results by combining in-office power whitening with at-home conditioning of the teeth. This is a great way to prepare for an upcoming special occasion and can be easily maintained with at-home whitening.

    KOR whitening achieves best-in-class results with minimal sensitivity unlike systems that have lights which cause pain and prolonged sensitivity.

    2. Professional At Home Whitening

    The at-home whitening system starts with a creating a customized tray in the office. This reduces gum irritation and targets the whitening to the area where it’s needed. This method outperforms store-bought solutions due to the tray that is made to fit only you.

  • Smile Makeover

    Your smile distinguishes you as an individual and can provide you self confidence to succeed in both personal and professional relationships. With the improvements in dental technology and advanced treatment options, achieving a beautiful smile is an option for patients of any age.

    Is a Smile Makeover what I need?

    If you are considering a smile makeover, consider the following questions:

    • Do you avoid smiling or hesitate when you smile?
    • Would you like to be more confident?
    • Do you want to look your best in personal or professional settings?
    • Do you have something that bothers you about your smile?

    If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, a smile makeover may be right for you. Since each person’s smile and needs are unique, please ask us to help review your needs, goals, and desires to create the best version of you possible.

  • Botox/Xeomin, Dermal Fillers and Lifting and Smooth Threads

    You have beautiful teeth but do you feel like something is missing when you smile?

    Botox/Xeomin and dermal fillers (Juvederm) can help enhance your dental treatment results and provide additional confidence with your smile.

    Besides creating beautiful smiles, creating more harmony with the dental-facial relationship can be achieved by addressing deep lines and wrinkles in the face. The soft tissue that surrounds the mouth is just as important as the teeth for an attractive and confident smile.

    Botox and Xeomin are derived from a natural and purified protein that can relax facial muscles by temporarily blocking nerve impulses, which leads to a smooth, natural relaxed appearance. The results usually take about 10 days to take effect and can last up to 3 months with zero downtime after the procedure.

    Dermal fillers treat volume loss in the face that occurs when our body’s natural filler (such as fat and collagen) production decreases. Dermal fillers create nearly instantaneous results which will need to be repeated periodically to maintain the result.

    Smoothing threads naturally build collagen and add volume to the face as they dissolve. This gradual process smooths skin and adds subtle enhancement.

    Lifting threads can lift and tighten tissue to reduce sagging without surgery. It’s like a mini-facelift with very little downtime. The effects can be seen instantaneously and get better over time.

    All thread treatments can last 1-2 years while re-building your natural collagen deposits.

    *Treatment may result in temporary side effects such as tenderness or swelling at the injection site, which may resolve shortly. Ask your team about your expected benefits and risks specific to your situation.

  • Restorative Care

    When a tooth is affected by decay, there can be a range of options to restore the tooth to a state of health. This may include: fillings, inlays/onlays, and crowns. If you feel like you have an area of tooth decay which may benefit from a restoration, please let our team help assess an option that is right for you.


    Tooth-colored fillings are bonded to the tooth after decay has been removed. This is appropriate for smaller affected areas and can expect to be replaced every 3-5 years depending on individual situations.


    Customized and lab-fabricated filling that is bonded as a single unit to the tooth after decay or a small fracture has been removed. This is appropriate for a defect that is small to medium, and can be more conservative then a crown. These restorations can last longer than a filling if properly maintained.


    A crown has a similar precision in form and fit as an inlay/onlay. This is an appropriate option for when a tooth experiences a larger area of decay or fracture. A crown creates a more secure result that appears natural in appearance and is provides structural strength for long-term wear.

  • Cosmetic Dentistry

    A gorgeous smile can impact your overall look and appearance. Both gum and tooth treatments may be required to achieve your best results.

    Porcelain Veneers:

    Porcelain veneers can address gaps between the teeth, uneven tooth alignment, discoloration, and teeth with uneven geometry. A veneer can create a natural look and feel that creates stunning results.

    Gum Contouring:

    Sometimes it isn’t just a tooth problem that creates an imperfect smile. Misshapen or overgrown gums can affect the attractiveness of your teeth and smile. It is often used along with veneers to create a natural, symmetrical result.

  • Children’s Dentistry

    Children should begin seeing a dentist no later than their first birthday. Not only are early visits important to prevent tooth decay, but monitoring growth and development requires frequent evaluation in the instance intervention is needed.

    While children’s visits may be shorter than adult visits, early preventive visits build positive relationship that can result in a lifetime of oral health and result in less dental treatment needs over time.

    Younger infants and toddlers may be positioned in the parent’s lap for a knee-to-knee exam while older children may gain independence and feel comfortable reclined in a dental chair. It is important to talk to the team about all preventive options for your child including: fluoride therapy, dental sealants, and a customized caries risk assessment.

  • Aligners and Sleep Appliances

    Protecting your teeth from uneven wear or grinding is an important aspect of maintaining your oral health. Whether from grinding or unnatural tooth alignment, an aligner or sleep appliance may help reduce tooth wear.

    Aligner Therapy

    Aligner therapy is a method of tooth straightening that can result in improved esthetics while improving your ability to cleanse your teeth. Tooth alignment can also reduce your needs for other more invasive cosmetic dental treatments (like veneers). There are several aligner options available if full orthodontic treatment is not an option. Ask our team if you think aligner therapy might be right for you.

    Sleep appliances

    Whether you need a nightguard to protect against grinding or your doctor has requested a sleep apnea oral appliance, our team can help customize a bite guard that is right for your needs that can protect your teeth against microfracture damage and reduce wear on your jaw joints. The custom-fit appliance is superior to store-bought solutions that are often bulky and if improperly fit can lead to joint damage.

  • Dental Emergency

    We understand that even with the best planning, dental emergencies do happen. This is why we have same-day appointments blocked in our schedule for our patients to address your most urgent need from a knocked-out tooth to a toothache. Please call us to check on availability if you feel that you are encountering a dental emergency*

    *If you feel that you are encountering a true medical emergency, please do not call our office and instead, call emergency medical services (or 9-1-1).

  • Dental Implants

    Why Dental Implants?

    Dental implants are often the best option to replace single or multiple missing teeth. After a tooth is lost, the jaw bone deteriorates leading to premature facial aging. Depending on severity, a missing tooth may also lead to other teeth shifting, difficulty in oral care and may limit dietary choices.

    Whether you are missing one tooth or many, dental implants can help restore your oral health while placing the least restrictions on your lifestyle. A titanium dental implant stimulates bone support and reduces premature aging. The abutment and crown that attaches to the implant looks, feels, and functions like your normal tooth. A dental implant gives you the confidence to smile without worrying about destroying other teeth nearby.

    We offer: single tooth implants, multiple tooth replacements, and complete smile replacements with implant-supported dentures. Since every person’s mouth is unique, please call us today if you think an implant may be right for you.

  • Oral Surgery

    While our team focuses on preventing disease that leads to tooth loss, sometimes certain teeth need to be removed. Wisdom teeth, extra teeth, crowded out teeth, or severely broken down teeth may require removal to restore your oral health.

    Defects in supporting bone and supporting gum tissue can also compromise your ability to achieve esthetic and stable results if a tooth is lost during life due to decay, trauma, or gum disease. Once bone is lost, it never grows back. A bone graft can encourage your body to heal and preserve bone instead of losing the support forever. This is particularly important if you ever want to consider a dental implant in the future.

    Our team can discuss your unique situation to help you achieve the most optimal treatment results while keeping you comfortable and safe.

  • Sedation Dentistry

    We want your appointment to be as comfortable and stress-free as possible. To help with this, we have several options to help you be more comfortable during your visits.

    Nitrous Oxide

    Nitrous oxide (known as “laughing gas”) is a colorless and odorless gas that is delivered through a nasal hood during dental treatment. While your mood may be elevated during its use, nitrous oxide is best known for relieving anxiety and reducing pain sensation during delivery of dental care. There is no advanced treatment preparation and you can drive yourself home after the procedure.

    Oral Conscious Sedation

    Oral medication can be used prior to treatment to reduce your anxiety before, during, and after a visit. This is best if you desire less memory of the entire visit due to anxiety regarding pain, sensations, smells, or noises. This option will require advanced visit preparation and requires a driver to transport you to and from your visit.

    IV Sedation/General Anesthesia

    For patients that have extreme fears or longer treatments, IV sedation can make an appointment feel like minutes and eliminate memory of the dental treatment. This is a more appropriate option for longer or more invasive treatments, such as oral surgery procedures. An anesthesiologist must be booked in advance of the appointment. This option requires advanced visit preparation and a driver must transport you to and from your visit.