Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth

Missing Tooth Tucson, AZ

You should not delay fixing a missing tooth. Ignoring this problem can cause serious health problems. There are possible emotional effects too. The good news is that your dentist has the knowledge and training to perform a few different treatments. Each of these can restore your smile and your ability to chew effectively. Your first responsibility should be to schedule an appointment with the dentist and discuss which options make the most sense.

The link between oral hygiene and a missing tooth

Accidents can cause tooth loss. Hard blows to the face from a fall or biting into something hard can knock out a tooth. However, an individual’s neglect can lead to losing a tooth as well. When daily brushing and flossing do not occur, bacteria can build up around the tooth. Decay can result, weakening the enamel and dentin. There can also be bone loss, causing the tooth to become loose and eventually fall out.

Dental implant

The most permanent solution for a missing tooth is a dental implant. One benefit of this option is that implants can last a lifetime. They are strong and durable, able to withstand wear and tear. Implants also look natural in size, shape, and color.

Implants can have some drawbacks too. Getting then requires two or three invasive surgeries. The total time between procedures can be several months. Implants have a more significant financial commitment, too, so people with a tighter budget may have to choose something else.

Dental bridge

People with a single missing tooth should also consider getting a dental bridge. This can work effectively when the teeth surrounding the gap are healthy and there is no bone loss. The dentist will place crowns over the teeth on each side of the missing tooth. An artificial tooth replaces the missing one.

A bridge is not removable and can last up to a decade if the patient takes good care of it. The biting force will not be as strong as a natural tooth. Still, with a bridge, the individual should be able to eat most foods. It also looks natural.

Partial denture

For even a single missing tooth, a partial denture can work effectively. Full dentures replace all the teeth in a person’s mouth, but this appliance has the same function for one lost tooth. This appliance consists of an acrylic or metal base with an artificial tooth attached to it. The appliance has clasps on it that clip onto the natural teeth. It is removable, so the patient can take it out to clean it. The denture can revive the person’s smile and bite into many foods.

Benefits of replacing a missing tooth

Having a tooth replacement can make anyone feel better about smiling, speaking, and eating. It allows the person to regain normalcy in daily activities. Getting the right dental treatment for tooth loss can give the individual a brand-new outlook. Here are the other benefits of replacing a missing tooth:

  • It restores the appearance of one’s smile. People with many cosmetic dental issues can get a tooth replacement. Aside from replacing teeth, the treatment may include gum contouring and dental repairs. In dental restoration, the patient will receive treatments that can improve dental health as well. These treatments may improve one’s appearance, but the dentist will keep dental function and health at the top of the list.
  • It enhances the health of one’s teeth. Severe damage is the common cause of tooth loss. Sometimes, the dentist cannot rebuild the tooth anymore. The tooth or teeth will need extraction. Replacing a missing tooth or many missing teeth can improve one’s dental health. It can prevent the neighboring teeth from shifting into the empty dental space. This can prevent decay, dental loosening, and more tooth loss.
  • It fixes functional issues. Replacing a missing tooth can help the patient eat. Healthy and intact teeth support proper biting and chewing. This can prevent digestive problems and pain. A tooth replacement can also help the patient speak better. Producing the proper speech sounds is important. Replacing a missing tooth can help the patient achieve proper speech again.

Choose the right option for your needs

It is nice to know that if you have a missing tooth, there are ways to replace it. Your dentist will examine you to determine what makes the most sense. Evaluate your needs and goals so that you can move forward with a treatment that you feel good about. If you have lost a tooth, call your dentist right away.

Request an appointment here: https://www.casasadobesdentistry.com or call Casas Adobes Dentistry at (520) 365-0559 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Google: Missing Tooth in Tucson, AZ.

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