Dental Restoration Options to Replace a Missing Tooth

Dental Restoration Options to Replace a Missing Tooth from Casas Adobes Dentistry in Tucson, AZA strong and stable dental restoration can replace your missing tooth. Many people suffer from tooth loss. Using removable dentures is a way to fill the dental space. This can prevent many dental issues from developing. Here are the dental restoration options available for your missing tooth.

Dental implants

The dentist will assess the patient’s mouth and see if there is enough jawbone to support the titanium rods. If there is jawbone loss, the patient must have bone grafting or sinus lifting first. This will help thicken the jawbone enough to secure the rods. Healing must finish before the dental implant surgery begins.

There will be proper sedation and a local anesthetic. These will make the patient comfortable and the procedure painless. The dentist will cut through the gum tissue and then drill into the jawbone. Placing the titanium rods into the implant holes will follow. Stitching the gums over the implants will help the area heal.

This dental restoration can last for many years with proper maintenance and care. The dentist can help by providing professional dental cleaning and regular checkups. Once fused with the jawbone and gums, a dental implant will not slip or fall out. It will make speaking, smiling, and eating so much better.

Traditional dentures

A denture has artificial teeth fixed on a plastic base. Partial dentures can replace teeth in strategic areas of a dental arch. Full dentures replace all the teeth in a dental arch. Denture clips or adhesives can keep this dental restoration in place.

Many patients get used to this dental restoration right away. But over time, the denture will loosen because the jawbone keeps shrinking. The dentures rest on the gums and do not merge with the jawbone. There are no dental roots to stimulate the jawbone. Because of this, the body will not send nutrients for tissue repair. That is why this dental restoration will need a more stable replacement soon.

Fixed bridges

A fixed bridge is a dental appliance that can replace consecutive teeth. The dentist will use the teeth on opposite sides of the gap. These teeth are called abutment teeth. Reshaping these teeth must happen so that they will fit the dental crown. The dentist will cement the crowns on these teeth to support the patient’s dental bridge.

Dental crowns

Getting a dental crown is ideal for teeth with large fillings. It can also protect and hold a root canal-treated tooth together. A patient can have ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and gold crowns. A crown is a temporary cover, but this dental restoration can last for at least 10 years. Regular dental cleanings and daily oral care are necessary. These dental care activities can help keep the underlying tooth healthy.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Google: Dental Restoration in Tucson, AZ

Replacing your tooth with a dental restoration can change your life and dental health

A missing tooth is a major dental problem. This crisis can prevent you from smiling, talking, and eating well. Your dentist will recommend the right type of dental restoration that can match your needs. Working with your dentist can help prolong the results.

Request an appointment or call Casas Adobes Dentistry at 520-365-0559 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

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