All-on-4 Dental Implants

Can All-on-4® Replace Multiple Missing Teeth?

Patients with pervasive tooth loss can choose All-on-4® implants as an alternative to standard implants or traditional dentures for replacing entire sets of upper and lower teeth. This prosthodontic procedure is gaining popularity among dental patients for the following reasons:

  • Only four implants support one full upper or one full lower set of teeth
  • Teeth are fully functional within a short time
  • The result is natural-looking, permanent teeth

How does All-on-4® work?

Four titanium prongs are implanted into the jawbone at specific locations and angles and protrude through the gums to serve as a base onto which dentures affix. This hybrid procedure eliminates the need for a separate implant for each tooth by accommodating full sets of teeth permanently. Patients avoid the inconvenience and embarrassment of traditional dentures that loosen or move within the mouth while speaking.

Who is a candidate for All-on-4®?

This procedure is suitable for anyone missing all or most of their teeth because it addresses the entire upper or lower jaw at once. Beyond that, patients who qualify should meet additional criteria.

Anyone in good health

Patients must be in good health without chronic ailments or a compromised immune system. When the body uses its resources to fight pre-existing illnesses, its ability to withstand surgery or successfully heal diminishes.

Anyone with good jawbone structure

Implants in the jawbone need to fuse naturally with the surrounding bone. An ample and healthy supply of bone must exist for this to happen. Periodontal disease often causes bone loss, but as long as there is sufficient bone at the four implants' specific sites, surgery is viable. If the bone around one of the proposed implant sites is insufficient, a bone graft can sometimes replace it.

Anyone without gum disease

It is essential to treat and control active gum disease to ensure positive results. Although All-on-4® can replace lost teeth due to periodontal issues, active infections can lead to failed implants and problematic bone loss. Halting and reversing gum disease must occur before a patient qualifies for surgery.

Anyone who does not smoke

Smoking can reduce the success of All-on-4® surgery by blocking the saliva and oxygen flow needed for healthy gums and healing. It is advisable for patients never to smoke. If this is not possible, refraining from smoking in the weeks before and after surgery is required to ensure optimum results.

Anyone committed to good oral hygiene

Replacing missing teeth can dramatically improve one's life; however, if poor oral care caused the loss, it is vital to develop and adhere to better habits to avoid repeating problems. Brushing twice per day and flossing at least once per day to prevent gum disease is equally critical for preserving implants, dentures, and natural teeth. Patients must also regularly schedule professional dental cleanings.


Missing teeth can compromise many aspects of a person's daily life. All-on-4® is a fast, efficient, and liberating way to restore teeth so that patients can go back to enjoying life thoroughly.

Request an appointment here: or call Casas Adobes Dentistry at (520) 365-0559 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

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