A Family Dentist Answers Teeth Grinding FAQs

Family Dentist Tucson, AZ

Many people struggle with teeth grinding, but not all of these individuals realize that a family dentist can treat this serious problem. Untreated, grinding teeth can cause more severe issues. The faster you can get help for this condition, the more effective the treatment can be. It is also helpful to learn as much as you can about this habit so you can stop and overcome it. Your family dentist can recommend a solution that makes sense for your needs.

Understanding teeth grinding

Officially known as bruxism, this condition often occurs during the night while the person is asleep. The individual may not even realize they are doing it; a bed partner is the one who notices it. It occurs when the person clenches their teeth or rubs the upper and lower teeth together. For some people, this is an occasional occurrence. Other people do it constantly throughout each night.

Why people do it

There is not a single answer for every situation when trying to determine why an individual struggles with teeth grinding. It is often the result of misalignments in the jaw or crooked teeth. People with a crossbite, underbite, or overbite might be more prone to it. Family dentists also find that people who grind their teeth tend to have sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. Stress and anxiety could also be factors.

What the effects can be

For a partner, sleeping next to a person with a teeth grinding problem can disrupt a good night’s sleep. This can be an annoying habit to put up with. But the consequences can be much more severe for the person who does it. This problem can cause teeth to wear down, become loose, or break. Over time, the teeth can even fall out and change the shape of the person’s face. These issues can take place when patients grind their teeth frequently and get no treatment.

Things that can help

There are ways to stop teeth grinding. Many of these take time but can eventually produce the results the person wants. Staying away from alcohol and cutting back on caffeine seem to have an effect on less grinding. People who chew on pens, fingernails, and other objects often have nighttime grinding problems. So, avoiding these habits can have positive effects on stopping to clench and grind teeth.

Treatments to stop

It can sometimes be difficult to stop this habit. Teeth grinding is treatable, however. Many family dentists will prescribe a mouthguard, which the person will wear every night to bed. This appliance prevents the person from making contact with the upper and lower teeth. For some people, managing stress levels is enough to stop the grinding.

A family dentist can treat this serious problem

Teeth grinding is not something to take lightly or put off treating. Without the proper intervention, you could lose teeth and have significant changes to your smile. Before you start to notice tooth damage or other related concerns, talk to your family dentist. There are ways to combat this habit and help you to stop.

Are you considering a family dentist in the Tucson area? Get more information at https://www.casasadobesdentistry.com.

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