When a Standard Root Canal Is Recommended

Root Canal Tucson, AZ

Knowing whether you need a root canal operation might be difficult, particularly in the early stages of the condition. Regular dental exams are essential because certain tooth problems have no outward signs or symptoms until they have progressed significantly. You can avoid an infected tooth that needs a root canal by seeing a dentist regularly and having any signs of trouble treated before they become severe.

The need for a standard root canal

Root canal treatment is a procedure used by dentists to salvage badly infected or broken teeth. The tooth pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels, will be removed if it is injured, and the infected area will be thoroughly cleaned and sealed to avoid reinfection. Reasons that the dentist might recommend a standard root canal include the following.

Recurrent tooth pain

When problems occur near the root of a tooth, the patient may experience pain. Visiting the dentist is important if an individual suffers extreme pain while eating or drinking. The dentist will look at the tooth to see where the discomfort originates.

Broken or chipped tooth

Chips and cracks in teeth may be caused by several factors, including biting down on something hard, engaging in rough physical activity, being hit in the mouth, or having complications after dental work. Any damage to a tooth, especially a crack, might leave the nerves exposed. Failure to address the issue might cause discomfort and infection.

Sensitive teeth

Tooth sensitivity might be an indication that a patient needs a root canal. There is an issue if the tooth is sensitive to temperature changes, such as while drinking hot or cold liquids. Minor discomfort can suddenly worsen into a searing, debilitating headache.

Puffy or swollen gums

When gums swell, it is usually due to an infection around the gums or the tooth roots. The dentist will examine the teeth for signs of infection if the gums are red and swollen. Root canal therapy is sometimes suggested to preserve a tooth and prevent the spread of infection.

Teeth discoloration

Teeth discoloration may result from poor oral care, consumption of teeth-staining foods and beverages, or an injury to the inner nerve layer of the tooth. If the dentist determines that the nerve and blood vessels are diseased and damaged, standard root canal treatment will be recommended to remove the deteriorated tissues and restore the tooth to its natural color.

Severe tooth decay

When tooth decay progresses far enough into the tooth, no amount of oral care can save it. If patients do not have that cavity filled, the decay will spread into the tooth's pulp and root. If this is the case, a root canal is the sole treatment option for saving the tooth. In the end, a dental crown will be placed over the tooth.

In conclusion

There is no need to worry if you need a root canal to fix a tooth condition. A professional dentist will ensure your comfort during the whole operation. After the procedure, the affected tooth will be infection free and feel much better.

Request an appointment here: https://www.casasadobesdentistry.com or call Casas Adobes Dentistry at (520) 365-0559 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Google: Root Canal in Tucson, AZ.

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